Fan Art! July 29, 2015 15:40
One of the best parts about working on a Roleplaying Game is that we get way more fan-art than other forms of "writing." I often think of Tephra as a toolset for the imagination. When talented artists get a hold of this toolset, magical things happen.
This is a compilation of art I found while strolling through DeviantArt one afternoon. (Click on the image to be taken to its DeviantArt page.)
Ki'j by madhatter6626:
Marshal Elbert by tvoie
Tephra Train by shadow20x6
DnD Tephra by hoboknifed
Illa the Ayodin by justamutt
Mantis Bot by CarressofVenus
Tephra Character: Jezebel Rothstein by experimential-curios
Rowan Kirin by nosferatu-girl
Swordswoman's Stance by Vimivix
Arrah McArney by ArrahMcArney
My Steampunk Persona - 'Error' by BlackCatXelKi'j by madhatter6626:
Steampunk Liquid Propelled Pistol by raschwolfVillains by dontpettheskunk
That's it! Do you have any Tephra fan art or favorite steampunk artists? Tell us in the comments!